Saturday, August 25, 2007

I am taking a break from ebay so that we can focus on homeschool. I may create a one of a kind bag to list here and there, but I am going to be sewing some curtains and outfits just for my daughter. I will post some pictures when I finish something!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I was working on something last night and had to deconstruct cause it just wasn't working. I hate that! The fabric wasn't cheap either. I will try again...

I listed these on ebay and have gotten some looks and a bid so far.

Click here to see my auctions!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

This is my latest Farbenmix set. I am sending this off to be modeled today. I loved making it. It seemed to take me forever. I post the better pictures when I get them! I hope to sell this one!